VAT Exemption Declaration Form
If you are chronically sick or disabled, you may be able to obtain relief from VAT on certain products and services. Short term sickness or injury does not apply - i.e. if you break your leg and are temporarily less mobile. Also, "old age" is not a medical condition and does not qualify for relief as such - please read the form guidance and/or seek advice from a medical professional.
To enable us to process your order more quickly, you may download the VAT Exemption Declaration Form (click on the icon, left).
1- save the document to your computer as a PDF file, then complete all relevant boxes.
2- you can either print off a copy, sign and post to us - or - digitally sign, then click the Submit button to send it to us via email (if you prefer).
Please read all guidance before filling in the form - some fields are mandatory and cannot be accepted until these are completed.
Note: not all products or services may be eligible and where this is the case, you will find details in individual product listings in our online shop, or these will be confirmed by us when we provide estimates to you. (e.g., batteries supplied by but not fitted by us are not eligible).
If you decide to make a zero-rated purchase via our website, you must return the form to us promptly to avoid a revised VAT invoice being issued for which the additional amount will become due immediately.